In the course of my life one thing I accomplished was getting two full utility patents. I bring this up because one of the most common things when you get an idea is you are sure the idea is unique: but before you spend time and money you do a patent search…and 99.9% of the time you’ll discover its already been thought about by others.
So when I observe something irrational, interesting, funny etc. I always wonder if I’m the lone ranger or others have come up with these observations too. I’m dating myself here, but if you ever watched much of Jerry Seinfield’s comedy show - a “show about nothing”, you will see them observe and give a name to something that I (and possibly others) have seen and thought about – but this was not confirmed until it’s seen on the show and given a name. A couple examples: REGIFTING, DOUBLE DIPPING (not related to pensions but potato chips), YADA YADA, SPONGEWORTHY, SHRINKAGE(google “slang on Jerry Seinfield Show” ). So I hope to do the same with things Seinfield didn’t get around to.
Hopefully there will be a lot of dry, humorous observations sprinkled in here.
There will be no preaching or judging altho some of the content might be something you may want to judge. I will be happy to acknowledge any errors of fact that I make here, but will avoid participating in back and forths where clearly no one is amenable to changing their thoughts. Confirmation bias afflicts us all. Accordingly, religious topics will be avoided. Unfortunately, many intellectual topics have been hijacked by politics over which I have no control: nevertheless, I will address topics with logic and invite other’s to use other logic to fully discuss topics raised here.
No one is ever 100% neutral or impartial but I will do my best to strive for it.
So items/thoughts I have will sometimes cause a mental itch… which I will scratch it here.